Friday, February 15, 2008

Robbie Carrico

Robbie Carrico

Robbie Carrico is a American Idol hopeful that auditioned at the Miami auditions. Robbie Carrico lives in Melbourne Florida and was once part of a Boys band called "Boyz and Girlz United".

Robbie says his musical influences are Jonathan Davis, Brett (shine down), Rob Thomas.

It is rumored that Robbie Carrico dated Britney Spear at one time. Robbie's boy band did do a few openings for Britney on a European tour, but I'm not quite sure I'd put that on my resume these days!

While I'm thinking about it, what's up with the Gangsta style? Is Robbie trying to set fashion trends for over privliged White Guys?

Robbie Carrico's music is now Rock and I thought his first audition was pretty good. I look for Robbie Carrico to go quite a ways on American Idol.

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